完美世界网 > 斗罗大陆5重生唐三 > 第796章 需要母亲的原谅

第796章 需要母亲的原谅





























Insufficient accumulation is said to me? The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor next to him was helpless.

The crystal phoenix great demon emperor at this moment are a little regret looking for the immortal great demon emperor to come over, he was fantasizing, if it was himself using the origin power to help the beautiful male child awaken the phoenix bloodline, she will not also recognize himself as a father ah?

At this point, the Great Undying Demon Emperor had basically finished his instructions to Duke Mei. The Great Undying Demon Emperor gently said: “Although Ruoximo did some stupid things back then, it’s not that he didn’t love your mother, but for the sake of the race. In order for the crystal phoenix lineage to have an emperor, as the clan leader, he is duty-bound. So, you should not hate him either. No matter what, he is also your real father, and without him, you wouldn’t be able to come to this world.”

The beautiful male turned his head to look at the Great Demon Emperor of the Crystal Phoenix, the father and daughter faced each other with four eyes, the beautiful male quickly avoided looking at him and said, “If mother forgives, I will also forgive.” For the Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor, her feelings were complicated. Once hated to the bone, because the Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor had suppressed the Peacock Demon Clan and even caused the Peacock Great Demon King to die. But now the Peacock Great Demon King has been resurrected, and he is, after all, his own father, hate? The beautiful Duke is actually okay deep down. However, she had to take into account her mother’s feelings, before her mother approved, she was definitely not able to recognize this father.

“Mm-hmm, yes, I will definitely try to get your mother’s forgiveness as much as possible. She’s still over in Jiali City, right?” The Great Demon Emperor of the Crystal Phoenix said with a slight urgency.

The beautiful male said, “Mother may come to Grandfather’s side later and pay her respects.” “Su Qin is coming to the ancestral court?” The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor’s eyes instantly lit up and turned his head to look at the White Tiger Great Demon Emperor. “Humph!” The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor coldly snorted.

The Immortal Great Demon Emperor said, “Then let’s talk about it then. Little Mei, grandfather has to go back first. Today’s origin consumption is a bit large, so I need to close down for a while. Today, through the awakening of your bloodline, I found that there is a very good fit between the bloodlines of the Phoenix Demon Race and the Peacock Demon Race. The two races should not be in a hostile and fighting relationship, in the future, they can try to communicate more and reduce the divide.”

“You are right, I feel it too.” Duke Mei nodded, she had almost fused with a super bloodline, so naturally she felt it clearly. Although it was impossible for the Peacock Demon Race and the Phoenix Demon Race to have two bloodlines at the same time like her, if a Peacock Demon Race and a Phoenix Demon Race were to cooperate in the middle of a battle, the power of the bloodlines would complement each other and produce a more powerful power should not be a problem. Just like the cooperation between the Blazing Sun Flower Essence Clan and the Hades Moon Flower Essence Clan.

“I will have to study the details when I go back. You are welcome to bring the Peacock Demon Clan to Phoenix City anytime to exchange.” The Immortal Great Demon Emperor said with a smile.


“Brother White Tiger, then I’ll go first.” The Immortal Great Demon Emperor was eager to go back and stabilize his origin, and the Phoenix Clan had countless heavenly treasures that he needed to use at the first opportunity to replenish his previous consumption.

The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor looked at his daughter reluctantly, and the beautiful male only gave him a slight salute, without any intimacy. But for him also has been satisfied, at least his daughter did not reject himself, and now has also awakened the Phoenix Demon bloodline. Everything, wait until you have taken the wife first.

The two phoenix clan great demon emperor left, the white tiger great demon emperor some tasty said: “how you also recognized a grandfather. The beautiful grandson’s face was a bit odd as he said: “It was Tang San who told me to do this, you can go after him.”

White Tiger Great Demon Emperor froze, the next moment, silver light flashed, Tang San has come into the room, can not help but laugh: “How did you betray me directly? Let you recognize this grandfather is certainly not a loss. When you become an emperor in the future, you certainly can’t change the fact that you are human, much less remove the human bloodline. Therefore, it is bound to meet a lot of resistance. Isn’t the resistance of the ancestral court the emperors? The more emperors support, the greater your chances of success will become. The Immortal Great Demon Emperor is the number one actual fighting power among the demon emperors, with his support, the success rate will naturally be much greater against. Not to mention that you already possess his bloodline.”

The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor nodded and said, “What he said is also right. There are still a total of eight Great Demon Emperors in the Tian Yu Empire, and the three of us are definitely supporting you. If you can get one or two more, there is nothing the Heavenly Fox can do to you. However, the emperor test, the day star empire side also need to join, so the seven heavenly essence emperor also need to fight. It’s not just our side alone that can say it all. Now that the first emperor on our side has fallen, the two sides’ strengths have immediately drawn even, unlike before, when they were able to completely suppress each other. Therefore, on the side of the Heavenly Essence Emperor, the possibility of agreeing to your promotion to the emperor is very small, and one more emperor with outstanding talent like you will have a greater impact on them. So, it is very complicated matter. The beautiful Duke said: “Complicated also takes a long time later. You guys are talking as if I will become an emperor right away. How about in the future, there is Tang San. He will definitely help me plan it out.”

The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor lost his smile and said, “You have more confidence in him than even in yourself!” The beautiful grandson nodded with an air of rightfulness.

The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor said: “When the time comes, I’d like to see what Tang San will do to prepare for you.”

Tang San smiled and didn’t say anything.

These days, apart from cultivation, he had been thinking. Thinking about the future of humanity. For himself and Mei Gongzi, he instead had full confidence. For him, the most difficult one was the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Great Destruction Annihilation God Tribulation, which was a collision with the realm. After passing this level, everything else would become much easier. Because after the breakthrough, his deity’s position is re-injected into his divine consciousness, and now he is a weakened version of a sea god, although he is not yet the god king he once was. On top of this realm, no one other than him knew how important the God and Goddess position was, much less how to use it.

Duke Mei said: “Grandfather, the 100-day period is coming up. After I go back, I will let my mother come to see you.”

“Mm.” The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor nodded slowly and sighed with it. Tang San said, “Coronet, do you know what the current situation is on the side of the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor?”

The White Tiger Great Demon Emperor shook his head and said, “Since the last time he went to Jiali City, he came back and went into seclusion, and it seems that he has not come out of seclusion. Heavenly Fox Sacred Mountain is also closed, forbidden to climb. The impact of the last incident on the Heavenly Fox Palace should be quite huge, requiring him constant time to deal with. You are worried that you will be obstructed when you go back? Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be. First of all, let’s not mention that you guys left through teleportation. Now on this side of the Ancestral Court, there are also two more imperial guardians, the Immortal and Crystal Phoenix, and the Heavenly Fox wouldn’t dare to do anything to you at least openly.”

Tang San nodded and said, “Before I leave, I plan to pay a visit to the Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage.”

The White Tiger Great Demon Emperor said, “You want to fight for him? The Sword Saint guy is indeed an anomaly among the emperors, his energy is all focused on researching his own sword, he can’t even care about the Dan Ding Crane Demon lineage being poor, he even sold his ancestral divine sword once. From his previous performance, there is some good feeling towards you. But you should not have too much hope in him. A large part of the reason why he was willing to help you guys was because you guys got the divine sword back. A being like him has no feelings. All his emotions are focused on his own sword. Among the many emperors whose strength I can’t see through, he is one of them, and although he ranks low, don’t underestimate him.”



孤儿轩辕因为痛失至亲,转世重生,来到了以武为尊的异界。得到了近古吞噬大帝的传承,可吞噬天地血肉,魂魄,至宝,化为自身所有,掌控超强杀技。 从一个平凡的少年,逐渐成长为九界至尊!皇族娇女,妖族女娲,魔族公主,太古女王全部都和他发生交集。他逆天而行,威凌天下,凭借自身的天赋与无数的奇遇,最终踏上了征战星空的道路。…
这是继斗罗大陆后的经典著作,在七怪成神后,被神界派往与斗罗大陆相平行的五行大陆。在这里,没有斗气,没有魔法,只有和斗罗大陆相仿的武魂。只不过魂力差的也不是一星半点。 在另一个空间中,存在着一个名叫五行大陆的地方,与斗罗大陆的时间几乎无差异。只有一个差异——这里有的人,可与神媲美。 五行大陆虽然也是每个人都有武魂,都有魂力。1~99级的称号也不变,但是,100级以后也有不同的称号:   100~109级为铜神魂。   110~129级为银神魂。   129~149级为金神魂。   150~179级为紫金神魂。   179~199级为钻石神魂。 而200级以上的,五行大陆上有记载的就只有一人——大陆之母五行幽雪。魂力:230左右,武魂:尚未不明。称号:魂神皇!




一开始或许是逢场作戏, 可是随着纠缠的不断深入, 不论是不甘亦或不屑, 真真假假模糊了视线。 问世间情为何物, 那些经历过的喜怒哀乐, 大约是爱。


平民少年罗天,身怀绝世之资,却被误认为废脉者。偶得无上天书,开启至强神脉,修造化神诀,一飞冲天,震烁万古。 从世俗底层,到万界诸天,横压当世天骄,纵横万千宗门,睥睨神话万族,成就不朽不灭永恒超脱的万古至尊之王! ①本书是天才流,非废材流。 ②已完本《主宰之王》、《仙鸿路》等作品,品质有保证。
穿成渣了偏执男主的万人迷小说全文免费阅读,时绪穿成一本后宫文主角。 文中主角鲛人体质盛世美颜,勾引男配炮灰们趋之若鹜。 男主察觉后逐渐扭曲黑化,结局丧心病狂与主角同归于尽。 时绪穿来时,面前一张俊脸正要吻过来。 要命的是男主正遥遥望向这边,看不清表情。 时绪手一抖,一巴掌直接甩那人脸上。 走开! 一阵酥酥麻麻的痒感从指尖传来,皮肤也泛起绯红。 他愣住。 这身体未免也太敏感了? * 为了避免触发体质,时绪致力与男主发展和谐兄弟情。 最后两人发展到无话不谈,还成功拜了把子。 直到某晚,男主突然满身酒气推门而入。一贯清冷的眼眸中隐隐压抑着噬人的野兽。 泡澡的时绪:??? 水面下的鱼尾,微微颤抖。 文案2: 他以为对方是救赎。 直到那晚重生,他想起了之后的所有。那人会激烈环住他的手臂,无限风华。 但画面一转,那人也将在别人怀中笑意盈盈。 他嘴唇紧抿,双手紧握几乎滴血。继而缓缓微笑。 我回来了。 这一次不会再重蹈覆辙了。 时绪:我装作听不懂的样子.jpg ①攻中期重生,真神经病。 ②攻对原书主角无感,文中解释。 ③救赎+修罗场,苏爽狗血弃文不必告知啦。 *偏执病态冷漠攻x盛世美颜极度敏感体质受




业余的网络写手来到了一个平行的世界。 这个世界整体和他上个世界区别并不大,但在很多细节上有着明显的区别。 梁恩发现这个世界上有太多他能够去做的事情,不过就在他摩拳擦掌准备大干一场的时候,一套卡牌系统让他走上了全球寻宝的道路。


最新小说: 初恋选我我超甜 我有一个秘密 扶摇皇后 青龙图腾 星辰武神 求魔 打怪升级在都市 同学录 王爷勇猛:王妃总想离婚 无敌天下 思绪万千