完美世界网 > 斗罗大陆5重生唐三 > 第802章 永不原谅

第802章 永不原谅












































Mei Gongzi looked at him, then looked at his mother who was looking at him with teary eyes, and hesitated a little.

“What’s wrong little Mei?” Su Qin looked at her expression, and suddenly there was some tension in her heart.

Mei Gongzi said, “Mom, I, I saw the Great Demon Emperor of Crystal Phoenix.”

Hearing her say so, Su Qin suddenly blushed, “What is he going to do? You, you know all about it?”

Tang San said on the side, “After Xiao Mei’s debriefing, I told her everything. Always let her know. The reason why the debriefing went smoothly was the support of the Great Demon Emperor Jingfeng, who not only supported Xiao Mei himself, but also convinced the Immortal Great Demon Emperor. It was with their support that Xiao Mei was able to pass the second level without any problems.”

Su Qin was silent and did not speak.

Tang San continued: “Later, when Xiao Mei was left to train at the Ancestral Court. The Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor and the Immortal Great Demon Emperor came to the door together.”

Su Qin was suddenly startled and subconsciously looked at Tang San.

Tang San said: “I can tell from his emotions that he cares very, very much about Xiao Mei. Also especially want to compensate. Later, he proposed that he wanted to allow Xiao Mei to reawaken the Phoenix bloodline. At that time, the white tiger coronation was also present.

The White Tiger Coronation offered to let them awaken the Phoenix bloodline for Xiao Mei in the future when Xiao Mei’s imperial debriefing took place, even if she still had human blood, they would support it unconditionally, after they agreed to do so. This has a hundred benefits for Xiao Mei, so we agreed to it without asking you. However, it was not the bloodline of the Great Demon Emperor of the Crystal Phoenix that was awakened, but rather, the Great Demon Emperor of Immortality personally took action and injected the Immortal Fire Phoenix bloodline essence into Xiao Mei, thus awakening the Immortal Fire Phoenix bloodline and possessing the innate ability of Nirvana rebirth. This would be of great benefit to her future safety.

Su Qin looked a little dumbfounded and did not open her mouth.

“Mom, I’m sorry, I …… “Mei Gongzi said with some apprehension.

Su Qin shook her head and said, “It’s good for you. How much more I hate him, as long as it’s good for you, I won’t disagree. You are doing the right thing. After all, he is your real father, no matter how bad, it was also bad for me at first. He didn’t know that there was already you at that time. And you don’t have to hate him.”

“Mom, you, you ……” Mei Gongzi wanted to ask something, but did not ask the question.

Tang San said, “I can see that the Great Demon Emperor of the Crystal Phoenix regrets what happened back then.” He would not defend the Great Demon Emperor of the Crystal Phoenix to justify anything, only to say what he really felt. After all, that was the beautiful Duke’s own father in this life.

Su Qin shook his head and said, “You guys should leave the matter between us alone. I will handle it. After all, he is your real father, if you want to recognize him, mom does not object. I also believe that he will treat you well. One more person to love you, mommy will only be happy. But please also understand mom’s feelings, I can never forgive him. So, between him and us, we are just strangers in the future. With you around, I can even let go of my hatred for him, but to say anything else, it’s impossible.”

Her tone was flat, but in the flatness, it was full of determination.

The sufferings she had suffered were too much, too many. At the time when she was suffering the most, she could only face it alone. If she hadn’t met the Great Peacock Demon King, she would have already died in one body. For the abandonment of Lin Ruimo at the beginning, how could she not hate in her heart? To dry Lin Ruimo, there was nothing wrong with achieving the emperor for the sake of the race. However, for the sake of the race but abandoned her, so that after she was pregnant, she had to sneak away to avoid being discovered by her own father, only to cause the process of tragedy close to appear, she is lifelong unforgettable.

Beauty Gongzi gently hugged her mother, she did not persuade anything, she and the Great Demon Emperor Jingfeng also have no feelings. As long as her mother is happy, don’t be sad, she is satisfied.

Su Qin touched her pretty face and said softly: “You can’t take any more risks in the future, I am the Holy Maiden of the Redemption Organization, of course I hope you can help humans really be redeemed. But I am also a mother, as a mother, I just want my children to be safe and happy is enough. And you, little Don, you are the same.”

“Thank you, Auntie.” Tang San nodded gently and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely protect Xiao Mei. From now on, I won’t just leave her side, and will always guard her.”

Su Qin said, “Are you ready to disclose your relationship?”

Hearing her ask this, Mei Gongzi suddenly reddened her pretty face, “We, what kind of relationship are we disclosing?”

Tang San, however, shook his head and said, “Xiao Mei has just become the official Jia Li City Lord, it’s not yet appropriate to make our relationship public. What’s more, Shura is dead, and now my existence is unknown to the Ancestral Court. Nor can they be made aware of it. I am now Xiao Mei’s personal guard, and that is enough. When she becomes an emperor, we will talk about it then.”

Su Qin said, “You guys will decide the specifics, you’re back and you’re bound to start getting busy.”

Tang San said, “When are you going to meet the Great White Tiger Demon Emperor, just tell me, I’ll take you to teleport there.”

Su Qin took a deep breath and said, “I’ll stay with Xiao Mei for three days, and then I’ll go. I don’t want to keep his old man waiting any longer. When you guys are free, come and see us.”


The news of Duke Mei’s return to Jiali City was first released by the Peacock Demon Clan. The presentation was successful, and she officially assumed the role of the Jia Li City City Lord and Peacock Demon Clan Chief. From this moment on, she had truly become a big figure on the Goblin Continent. One of the main city lords.

However, for the Ancestral Court, there was another very important thing that had happened recently. That was the battle for the main city, which was no longer Kali City. Rather, it was the most important one among all the main cities and the one closest to the Ancestral Court. Crystal City!

The place where the Great Crystal Demon Emperor once ruled. The Great Crystal Demon Emperor had no offspring, but she was a generation of dragon lord. Therefore, Crystal City had always been the domain of the dragon race.

Now that the Crystal Great Demon Emperor had fallen, among the dragon race, only the Dark Demon Emperor, the Dark Demon Dragon, remained. And he ranked lower among the great demon emperors, also has its own dark city in, naturally can not go to rule the crystal city. Then, this rich, but also has a pivotal position in the main city belongs to, will become the ancestral court in the most concerned about the issue.

Not only the Tian Yu Empire’s side is turbulent, even the Sun Chen Empire’s side, also has the intention to intervene. After all, along with the fall of the Great Crystal Demon Emperor, the gap in strength between the two empires has been significantly narrowed.

In the Ancestral Court, according to the Great Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Fox, this matter should be shelved first, he is also repairing the Heavenly Fox Sacred Mountain. But the secret scramble has already begun. Just who will be in the Crystal City becomes the most important issue.

Such an important core main city, is bound to have the emperor in residence. Currently there are only two emperors without a main city, one is the Crystal Phoenix Great Demon Emperor, and the other is the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor. But with their rankings, it is clear that neither of them is enough to hold down the Crystal City.

Apart from the Heavenly Fox Great Demon Emperor, the strongest Great Demon Emperor is the Immortal Great Demon Emperor. Although the relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan is okay, and there is even the cooperation of the Dragon and Phoenix. But the confrontation between these two powerful clans also exists as well.

Therefore, although the dragon tribe has only one emperor, but the overall strength of the dragon tribe is still there. The Dark Demon Great Demon Emperor is ready to assume the position of Dragon Lord, and the Dragon Clan is also sworn to hold on to Crystal City, unwilling to give up.

Crystal Great Demon Emperor after all, as the emperor for many years, the dragon race has also been the first race of the Tian Yu Empire, the powerful great demon stem is not in the minority, even if the ancestral court wants to take back control of the crystal city hall, must also consider the attitude of the dragon race, so the current state is a stalemate, so far there is not a specific statement.

The Tian Yu Empire must at least ensure that the Crystal City cannot be tainted by the Day Star Empire, and the Dragon tribe must keep the Crystal City from being acquired by other races. The Phoenix Demon tribe coveted the Crystal City, after all, the Crystal Demon Emperor died, and now the most powerful force in the Tian Yu Empire is naturally the Phoenix Demon tribe.


穿成渣了偏执男主的万人迷小说全文免费阅读,时绪穿成一本后宫文主角。 文中主角鲛人体质盛世美颜,勾引男配炮灰们趋之若鹜。 男主察觉后逐渐扭曲黑化,结局丧心病狂与主角同归于尽。 时绪穿来时,面前一张俊脸正要吻过来。 要命的是男主正遥遥望向这边,看不清表情。 时绪手一抖,一巴掌直接甩那人脸上。 走开! 一阵酥酥麻麻的痒感从指尖传来,皮肤也泛起绯红。 他愣住。 这身体未免也太敏感了? * 为了避免触发体质,时绪致力与男主发展和谐兄弟情。 最后两人发展到无话不谈,还成功拜了把子。 直到某晚,男主突然满身酒气推门而入。一贯清冷的眼眸中隐隐压抑着噬人的野兽。 泡澡的时绪:??? 水面下的鱼尾,微微颤抖。 文案2: 他以为对方是救赎。 直到那晚重生,他想起了之后的所有。那人会激烈环住他的手臂,无限风华。 但画面一转,那人也将在别人怀中笑意盈盈。 他嘴唇紧抿,双手紧握几乎滴血。继而缓缓微笑。 我回来了。 这一次不会再重蹈覆辙了。 时绪:我装作听不懂的样子.jpg ①攻中期重生,真神经病。 ②攻对原书主角无感,文中解释。 ③救赎+修罗场,苏爽狗血弃文不必告知啦。 *偏执病态冷漠攻x盛世美颜极度敏感体质受
简松意从小以为自己是一个A,性格张扬骄傲,什么都是第一。有一天他的竹马,柏淮,转学回来了,两人争锋相对,但实际上很在意彼此。简松意分化成O后,柏淮的照顾和守护,让他明白了彼此心意,修成正果。此文行文轻快,活泼有趣,笔触细腻温暖,讲述了鲜活张扬的少年和懵懂酸涩的暗恋,以及青春岁月的美好,让人动容【ABO校园日常甜饼/强强/无生子/傲娇炸毛大少爷受X斯文败类攻】 内容标签: 强强 幻想空间 甜文 校园






剑者,当有锋芒。 宁折不屈,宁断不弯,不屈不挠,无所畏惧,任何一切阻碍一切抵挡,都无需犹豫无需多虑。相信你手中之剑,仅凭你手中之剑,披荆斩棘勇往直前,直达剑道彼岸踏上神坛! 谨以此书,献给你们和我所喜爱的剑还有所挚爱的剑道!在这里,你会看到各种各样的剑,你会看到千奇百怪包囊万象的剑术剑技,还有不同类型天才之间的争锋,直指剑道巅峰,相争神坛!…
本文又名《权臣升级指南》、《权臣调 教手册》or《调 教权臣手册》? 谢安澜,国安特工代号青狐,腥风血雨没要了她的命,休个假一觉睡到了解放前。 一梦醒来成为了东陵国泉州陆家的四少夫人。 房子票子美男子转眼成空,眼前只有手无缚鸡之力,刚被她一脚踹下床的庶子相公一名。 万事不管,公公一名,外表贤良笑面虎,婆婆一名,各种心思妯娌兄弟若干。 谢安澜万分郁悒:老娘真是哔了…人类最亲密的好朋友了! 本想拿捏着娇弱美少年相公作威作福,不想这货外表纯良内里却是要黑天黑地黑世人。 ——“我眼中只有听话的和不听话的人,你是个聪明人。” ——“夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头…我一定拉你一起死。” ——“我要权掌天下。” ——“那我…只好醉卧美人膝了。” ……那就看看,到底是谁卧谁的膝吧?




爹系男友吃人不吐骨头真少爷攻 X 咸鱼娇宝宝大美人假少爷受 季雨穿成了被赶出豪门的炮灰假少爷 原主是个废物草包,而季雨...他是个漂亮点的废物草包 兜里光秃秃的漂亮草包在街头抓了个小哥,眼巴巴地自荐:兄弟,请我吃个馒头可以吗,我唱歌钢琴带上分都可以的!全都华而不实的那种,心虚jpg 结果后来对方成了他爹粉,比他亲爹还过分的那种 大型国民综艺临时加人,据说是蒋家掉包的狸猫,网上一蜂窝嘲讽节目组想红想疯了 官博官宣照片之后 :其实爬个墙也不是不可以 后来直播现场,卷毛猫眼的少年仿佛古堡里精致的小少爷,一手钢琴弹得飞起,下棋写字样样精通 :md,说好的废物呢??真香 不信邪的黑子准时蹲守节目组直播,终于抓到废物美人的证据 料:小狸猫洗个碗把碗摔粉碎 黑:玛丽苏出丑,废物实锤了,回去准得跳脚 当天晚上,添了麻烦的少年失落埋在自家助理怀里,男人半环住少年,在发顶落下一个轻吻,抱着人上车时视线平静的扫了眼镜头 狗仔:? ? ? hello,你的助理他眼熟又不对劲! 隔天数家媒体收到了封口通知 后来,得知男人身份的小狸猫灰溜溜的想要逃跑,被男人逮个正着 狸猫炸毛:我,我什么都没做。 吃人不吐皮的大尾巴狼抱着人低笑:不需要你做什么,我来。…


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